Frequently Used Commands
cd ~/workspace/infrastructure-kubernetes-client-config
./cluster.sh development
k config use-context production
k get namespaces
k get pod -n api-content-production-v1
k logs -n api-content-production-v1 api-content-12-03k
kubectl –namespace=
k logs -n api-content-production-v1 api-content-12-03k -p
k logs -n api-content-production-v1 api-content-12-03k -f
k logs [name] | grep p4yvsf –since=14h
kubectl -n=pusher-content-capi-production-v1 logs lqudo-blue-app-1991648162-cnr97 | grep ExportFailure
k get deploy -n api-content-development-v1
k scale deploy -n api-content-development-v1 api-content —replicas=1
k describe pod -n api-content-development-v1 a-edf-pod-name
k get node
k get node —all-namespaces | grep -v Running
k get ing –all-namespaces
kubectl -n loader-content-capi-development-v1 get secrets -o yaml
echo “<encoded_secret_value>” | base64 –decode
In the node:
apk –no-cache add postgresql-client
\dt to list table
\q to quit
psql $DB_URL -t -A -F”,” -o <csv_file_name> -c “<sql_query>”
kubectl –n=