Advanced Git
Important concepts
Git has two repository types: local and remote. The local repo is on your computer for only your direct use. The remote repo is typically elsewhere and for your indirect use. Git supports multiple remote repositories.
Committing is a Multi-Step Process
Git is a three step process to share your files with the team:
- Add. This copies new or updated files to the “stage” or “index” (you will see doc and info that use both terms).
- Commit. This copies your staged files to the local repo.
- Push. This copies your files from the local repo to the remote repo (only the changes the remote repos does not have).
File Diffs in Workspace, Stage, and Repo
Files can exist in three locations with Git. The same file can have different content in each location:
- Committed in the repo: the HEAD version, the contents as the file was last committed.
- Staged in the index: edits made or the file removed, added to the index, ready to commit.
- Workspace: Work in progress (usually most files are unchanged, having the same content as the committed version).
The Git diff command options allow comparing between the three locations (and more).
- Specifying no option compares the workspace to the staged/index version.
- Specifying –cached or –staged compares the staged/index version with a committed version.
- Additional diff options include comparing with any two files on disk, comparing two commits, and any file with any commit.
Scenario-based Commands
Tags are ref’s that point to specific points in Git history. Tagging is generally used to capture a point in history that is used for a marked version release (i.e. v1.0.1). A tag is like a branch that doesn’t change. Unlike branches, tags, after being created, have no further history of commits.
Git supports two different types of tags, annotated and lightweight tags. The previous example created a lightweight tag.
Lightweight tags and Annotated tags differ in the amount of accompanying meta data they store.
A best practice is to consider Annotated tags as public, and Lightweight tags as private.
Annotated tags
Annotated tags store extra meta data such as: the tagger name, email, and date. This is important data for a public release.
They store extra meta data such as: the tagger name, email, and date. Similar to commits and commit messages Annotated tags have a tagging message. Additionally, for security, annotated tags can be signed and verified with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG). Suggested best practices for git tagging is to prefer annotated tags over lightweight so you can have all the associated meta-data.
git tag -a v1.4
git tag -a v1.4 -m "my version 1.4"
Lightweight tags
Lightweight tags are essentially ‘bookmarks’ to a commit, they are just a name and a pointer to a commit, useful for creating quick links to relevant commits.
git tag v1.4-lw
Lightweight tags create a new tag checksum and store it in the .git/ directory of the project’s repo.
Listing tags
git tag
git tag -l *-rc*
Push Tags to Remote
Sharing tags is similar to pushing branches. By default, git push will not push tags. Tags have to be explicitly passed to git push: git push origin v1.4
Check out a tag
git checkout v1.4
Delete a tag
git tag -d v1
- git clone <版本库的网址>
- git clone <版本库的网址> <本地目录名>
- git clone –recursive git://
- git remote
- git remote -v
- git remote show <主机名>
- git remote add <主机名> <网址>
- git fetch <远程主机名>
- git fetch <远程主机名> <分支名>
git fetch命令通常用来查看其他人的进程,因为它取回的代码对你本地的开发代码没有影响。
- git branch -r
- git branch -a
取回远程主机的更新以后,可以在它的基础上,使用git checkout命令创建一个新的分支:
- git checkout -b newBrach origin/master
也可以使用git merge命令或者git rebase命令,在本地分支上合并远程分支:
- git merge origin/master
- git rebase origin/master
- git pull <远程主机名> <远程分支名>:<本地分支名>
- git pull origin next 远程分支是与当前分支合并, 等同于先做git fetch,再做git merge
在某些场合,Git会自动在本地分支与远程分支之间,建立一种追踪关系(tracking)。比如,在git clone的时候,所有本地分支默认与远程主机的同名分支,建立追踪关系,也就是说,本地的master分支自动”追踪”origin/master分支。
- git branch –set-upstream master origin/next
如果当前分支与远程分支存在追踪关系,git pull就可以省略远程分支名:
- git pull origin
- git pull
- git pull –rebase <远程主机名> <远程分支名>:<本地分支名>
加上参数 -p 就会在本地删除远程已经删除的分支:
- git pull -p
- git push <远程主机名> <本地分支名>:<远程分支名>
- git push origin master
- git push origin :master
- git push origin
- git push
如果当前分支与多个主机存在追踪关系,则可以使用-u选项指定一个默认主机,这样后面就可以不加任何参数使用git push:
- git push -u origin master
- git push –all origin
git push不会推送标签(tag),除非使用–tags选项:
- git push origin –tags
Frequently used
check last commit
- git show
- git log -n1 -p
check commit history for the feature branch
- git log develop..feature/REF-123
This will show you all not pushed commits from all branches
- git log –branches –not –remotes
and this must show you all your local commits
- git log origin/master..HEAD
view the changes in a commit
- git show 877897e8a64043cc9277a859c616ec2e4ff57634
To get the exact copy of remote develop branch, all local changes not pushed will be lost
- git fetch –all
- git reset –hard origin/master
To rename a branch
- git branch -m
- git branch -m
- git stash
- git stash list
- git stash apply
- git stash apply stash@{2}
- git stash drop stash@{2}
- git stash show stash@{2}
remove everything from the index/staging
– dry run
- git clean -n
– actually do the job - git clean -f
– do the job with both files and folders - git clean -xf
remove all staged changes
- git reset HEAD – .
remove all unstaged changes
- git checkout – .
remove all untracked changes
- git clean -df
garbage collection
- git gc
Use the following command while being on “master”, to list merged branches:
- git branch –merged | grep -v “*“
To get the commit into current branch
- git cherry-pick COMMIT_HASH
Best Practice
Each commit should be a single logical change. Don’t make several logical changes in one commit.
Don’t split a single logical change into several commits.
git commit –amend