Kubernetes Overview WhyDocker -> Docker Compose -> Kubernetes 光靠 Compose 肯定不够,因为 Compose 仅仅解决了应用的描述,运行的问题,但应用的编排,服务注册,服务发现,服务监控,故障恢复,DNS,负载均衡等等功能如何实现? Read More
Highly Effective Workspace with Macbook MacOS 将功能键(F1-F12)设置为标准的功能键 设置Trackpad(触摸板)轻触为单击 将Dock停靠在屏幕左边 全键盘控制模式 快速锁定屏幕 Read More
Token-Based Authentication System and JWT Token-based authentication systemHow it works Login with username and password Obtain a token Use the token to access restricted resources for a set time period. Usually put in headers: Authorization: Bearer <token> Read More